Our media director at Potter’s Field Ministries is Pastor Steve Miller, Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Blue Island for 16 years, and long-time friend of Pastor Michael and Pam.
Pastor Steve’s wife Janice is part of the Chickasaw tribe, and was raised from youth on and around Indian Reservations in the Southwest. Having this history, Pastor Steve and Jan have always had a heart for the American Indians. Pastor Marty Balk and his wife Dena have been living on the Blackfeet reservation in Browning, MT for 19 years. They have a church, Glacier View Baptist Chapel, and are able to minister to those they live in the midst of.
This past April, we caravanned with staff and our IGNITE Class 7 interns, and made the hour and a half drive from Whitefish to Browning to do a church takeover, where we had a teaching, testimonials, food, and put on a Kid’s Club. We had another VBS-style Kid’s Club in June like we do in different locations all around the world, and last night Pastor Michael and Pam were able to do their Potter’s Field presentation in the Methodist annex building in the middle of town.
Please keep Potter’s Field and Browning, MT in your prayers as we continue to move forward in our relationship with Pastor Marty and further explore how we can help minister to those in the Blackfeet Nation.
‘Til the Whole World Hears!