Makenzie is 18 years old and is from Victory in Christ Fellowship in Flora, Indiana. She is a part of IGNITE Class 15 and has spent the last three months training in Whitefish, Montana. She wants to thank the sponsors for their generosity and prayers that make them a part of transforming lives.
Dear Sponsors,
Flashback to August 8th, when I found out that I will be living and serving in Cambodia for six months with two of my teammates! After knowing what God can do in my life during three months of training, I am so excited to see what He has to hold for my time on the field. One of the things that I was told over and over again by people from my church was that I was going to learn a lot about myself throughout this year. I believed it, but I did not expect it to rock my world like it has so far. Since my time in Montana, I have watched God transform me from the inside out. He has taken my feeble faith and shown me what it looks like to truly dedicate my life to serving Him.
These past two weeks of training have been the most impactful weeks of my time here. During week three of being in Montana, I was working at a horse camp and had the opportunity to work with a sweet fourth-grade girl. As soon as I met her, I knew she was someone special. I only spent four days with her, but by the time the week was over, I had a connection with her unlike any I had ever known before. I was heartbroken by the end because I did not know when I would get to see her again, if ever. Skip ahead to two weeks ago, and I am at an event at the Mudman gallery in Whitefish. I heard someone say, “Makenzie, that girl from camp was just in here. Did you see her?” I had not seen her, but I was not going to miss my chance. I ran outside and got the biggest hug and the chance to catch up with her. I had been questioning that week whether I knew that God really loved me. That encounter was exactly what I needed, and He knew it. Since then, I have been able to identify and feel God’s love more than ever before.
I grew up in a Christian home and got saved when I was eight-years-old. I have walked with Christ my whole life, but never has it been on this level. I think one of the most important things that IGNITE has done for me so far is show me how to study my Bible and pray without ceasing. I have seen a glaring difference in the way I respond to situations and the way I think about others. I have learned a compassion that I thought I could never obtain. I am seeing my mindset shift from an earthly to an eternal perspective. I am slowly being stripped of all of the doubt, uncertainties, and pride that followed me to IGNITE. My eyes have been opened to who the Lord truly is, and I am finally learning the depths of His love for the people of His world and me.
1 Corinthians 2:9 says, “What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him’— I have no idea what God has in store for me after this year, but I do know that I am going to let Him make the decision. I can only imagine how much greater His plan is for my life than mine. My life is forever changed because of this program, and none of it would be possible without your support. Just know that your generosity and prayers are transforming lives. Thank you, and may God bless you!
’Til the Whole World Hears,
Makenzie Metzger