Nestled into South East Asia sits a small not well-known country by the name of Cambodia. Cambodia is considered an unreached country where less then 3% of the population is considered Christian and over 85% Buddhist (the national religion). Potter’s Field Ministries has been transforming lives forever in the Kingdom of Cambodia since 2012 with the partnership of New Life Fellowship churches in Cambodia. New Life Fellowship (NLF) Phnom Penh is a church with a great vision to reach their country with the Gospel and has a strategic mission to back their vision. As of now, NLF has over 180 different church plants across the country of Cambodia ranging from cell groups, to house churches and mature churches.
Potter’s Field ministries has the honor and privilege to partner with eight different NLF village church plants located in four different provinces to provide what is referred to as the “PFK Feeding Program”. The PFK Feeding Program provides a healthy meal, supplementary education and Bible classes for selected underprivileged children up to five days a week. Each location sustains about 50 students in their program with a total of about 400 students across Cambodia receiving physical nourishment, spiritual impartation and being discipled under the local church. Apart from the invitation extended to them, these children may have never otherwise stepped foot into a church or even heard about the one true living Creator God but now these children are receiving Jesus as their Lord and Savior and praying for the salvation of their families.
We have chosen to partner with each of the eight NLF village church plants based on two different categories: First, to add fuel to the fire of churches who are already effectively reaching their community and secondly, to bring life back to churches who had become lifeless. The transformation stories are countless. Light is being brought into the darkness. True hope is being brought the hopeless. The truth of the Gospel is setting people free. Not only are lives of the children, teachers, and families being transformed but communities too. Communities who once persecuted the churches trying to burn them down, poison our Pastors and refused to let their children enter the property are now approaching our Pastors asking if their children can join the PFK Feeding Programs. In some locations, our PFK Feeding Program supplementary education is better then what is being taught in the government schools and the village officials want to help us build bigger classrooms.
Jesus’ blood purchased a potter’s field – a destitute land full of seemingly worthless broken pieces of clay. A true Potter doesn’t see worthless shards of clay but beautiful vessels with immense value created for a great purpose. Cambodian society sees children as having little value but the Potter sees their potential, He sees their value and He sees their purpose. God is the author of Salvation and each of one of these Cambodian children will play a role in bringing the Gospel to their families, their villages, their provinces and their country until the whole world hears!