Mary is a nine-year-old ray of sunshine who I have had the pleasure of getting to know over the past five months. I am blessed to see her nearly every day of the week. Mary attends Potter’s Field Christian Academy (where I teach her Math class), comes to Kids Club every Saturday, and sits with me at church on Sunday mornings. Every time I see her sweet face, she greets me with a hug and says, “My best friend!” The love of this child is overwhelming.
When I asked her some of the things that she loved to do, she told me that she loves to hug, and also, that she loves to help her parents. If she could have any job in the world, she would become an engineer, so she could take care of her parents and future family. This gives you just a glimpse into the love of Mary’s heart, and the joy I have found in knowing her. Jesus talks about having the heart and faith of a child, and I now have a clear example of what that looks like. Mary has the purest heart, the sweetest smile, and the deepest love for God and others. She is always hugging someone, always smiling, and she never stops laughing.
Mary told me that although her family may not have a lot, they have the Lord, and He will provide for their needs. In fact, that was how Mary came to know Jesus. When she was six years old, her family did not have enough money to pay their bills, so she began to pray that God would provide for their needs. Soon after, God provided for every need, and then some, and that is when Mary began to believe in Jesus. One year later, a friend told her that there was a place where she could learn about God, and she has come to Kids Club ever since that day.
In 2015, Mary’s schooling was paid for by Potter’s Field sponsors, and she now attends PFCA. Mary loves our school because she has good teachers, and gets to play with her friends and the interns. She is so thankful to Potter’s Field Ministries for teaching her and helping her family, and bringing her to a new school. Mary would also like to tell sponsors, “Thank you for choosing me. And thank you for helping my family and giving us the things that we need.” I am so thankful that I know such a sweet girl, and have found a best friend in my little sister Mary.
Charis Bassi – Calvary Chapel Chino Valley
IGNITE Class 10 – Team Kenya