This is Chenda Sok, pastors wife and PFK overseer in one of our Cambodia locations, Prey Ta Chap.
She asks for prayer for the drug use and dealing that is becoming more and more prevalent in the villages. While it is not an issue in Prey Ta Chap, many of the children in our program come from the neighboring villages where it is a problem.
Long time staff member Christa Stoltzfus recently went to Cambodia to oversee the IGNITE interns final month on the field. After speaking with Chenda Sok, Christa wrote back to us on their conversation, “She works hard for the kids and knows the benefits and fruit outweigh all of the difficulties.”
On a lighter note for news in Prey Ta Chap, the children recently received their new t-shirts, which is always an exciting time for them. Every year each child enrolled in our Potter’s Field Kid’s program is gifted with a new PFK shirt that they wear to Kid’s Club.
Please pray for strength and wisdom as the Potter’s Field Kid’s program continues to grow!